You don’t have to wait around until spring to get your cleaning done because there’s no better time than the present to breathe new life into your home. A clean home can make way for more positive life changes, and it all starts with a few healthy habits that can keep your living space clutter-free. When it comes to cleaning tips, turn to the professionals. Read on for some of the best tips for keeping your home nice and tidy.
Clean The Counters Off Before You Go To Sleep
As much as we hate to admit it, most of us aren’t morning people. This hard fact of life can quickly become a pain when you’re trying to maintain a clean home. If you don’t clean off the counters before bed, are you really going to feel more like cleaning them when you wake up? You can see how the cycle begins. Messes and dishes can quickly mount up. And the messier your counters, the more likely you are to put off cleaning them. With that in mind, we recommend that you establish some cleaning habits that are both easy to complete on a consistent schedule and effective in keeping your home in tip-top shape.
Keep Your Cleaning Supplies Handy
If you have to go hunting and rifling through every cabinet and drawer to find your cleaning products, you’re not likely to use them much. The bottom line is: The more easily accessible you keep your cleaning supplies, the more they will come into play during your everyday life. Place your cleaning tools strategically in a handy spot, so you’ll be more inclined to use them more often. For example, keep your toilet bowl cleaner right next to the plunger and keep your Windex near the windowsill. Then it won’t seem like such a task when you decide to tidy up your space.
Always Take Something With You When Leaving A Room
Domestic cleaners all agree on one thing: The best way to keep a clean home is to be proactive. When you leave the living room, for example, make sure you look around and take any excess dishes to the dishwasher on your way through the kitchen. If you’re walking out of the bedroom, take your dirty shirt to the hamper. You’ll quickly notice that clutter isn’t building up as it used to.
Prioritise Your Cleaning Projects
If one particular mess is bothering you, go ahead and take care of it before you start worrying about your entire house is. If you’ve let your home go, you can’t clean it all in a few minutes, so prioritise what bugs you most. Tackle the most prominent issues first. If your dishes are starting to stink, go ahead and do those before you worry about wiping down the bookshelf. Setting priorities and taking them on one at a time will help you keep your entire home cleaner.
Clean For The Untrained Eye
Sometimes it’s not so much about cleaning as it is about appearing to be cleaned. If you don’t have hours to spend cleaning every nook and cranny of your home, address the most prominent areas of your house. By cleaning popular places like the living room, bathroom, and kitchen, you’ll be able to maintain the appearance of a responsible home-keeper – even if you slack a bit now and again!
If you need help from a professional cleaner, our My Maid house cleaners can definitely assist you.